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KD Series
【Product Features】Back to top

1.125 kHz multi-purpose induction HID card reader

2. Ideal for medium range application

3. Equipped with wigan, a serial (RS - 232 / RS - 232), or "clock and data interface

4. Sealed type of card reader, is suitable for indoor and outdoor use

5. Equipped with optional glass installation kits, card reader can be installed behind the glass

6. The power supply requirements: 10-28.5 VDC

7. Requirements: current of 100 ma/an average of 120 ma peak

8. Size: 5.0 "x 5.0" x 5.0 "(12.7 x 12.7 x 2.54 cm)

9. Color is gray or beige

10. Basic card parts number: 5355 (wigan), 5352 (serial), 5358 (clock and data)